

Developed by MakerBot

Customizer is the easiest way to take great 3D printable designs and make them your own. Make your OpenSCAD designs infinitely more valuable by empowering the community to customize them.

Platform: Thing

Requires at least one of these types of files: scad

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I was able to customize a file on 8/5, but since then have been getting "Failed to authenticate application: 401: Unauthorized". Anyone else experiencing this or have a solution?

Yes I am getting the same issue since yesterday 8/6.

<RuntimeError: 400: category must be a number >

I cannot customize a model....

crap, get runtime error 400 everytime i go to create

Not working today either.

Still not working, what happened?

Is the customizer not working? I used it last week just fine. The last 2 days it won't allow me to customize a model.

Can non-Latin characters be used? Thanks.

A nice enhancement would be for the customizer to support importing OpenSCAD presets from {basename_of_scad_file}.json in the same project. The mapping is relatively straightforward: {json}.parameterSets[{presetName}] is an object containing all the variable settings for each preset.

I second this request.

It is a pity that this app doesn't support loading shapes from external files such as SVG. I guess this limitation is the actual cause behind many of the complaints that "Customizer is broken".

Nope, can't get it to work on Chrome, but it does seem to work with Firefox

what is firefox anyway and you can use it on the cb

Not sure what CB is? Firefox is a web browser, similar to Chrome. I run Ubuntu, so maybe there is a difference in the Windows version, don't know.

Comment has been deleted

Still showing errors no matter what browser I use.

No preview, tried multiple browsers and settings.

preview is dead, just white screen

Where does the output of calls to echo() go? I have a OpenSCAD file that produces instructions for changing temperature setting to use when printing the customized item. It would be nice if this output could be viewed in the customizer queue or possibly be saved with the customized object as part of the summary or instructions.

o aplicativo esta desativado?

Getting this error:

<JSON::ParserError: 785: unexpected token at ''>

preview is dead, just white screen

There has been a error every time I attempt to use this. Can the developer look into this please and thanks! The preview also does not work.

I recently reported the same thing and still can't see the preview in the customizer app

it'd be nice if they released the code if they're abandoning it.

preview not working

preview not working

Not seeing a preview when creating something.....

this app never works for me!

Looks like Customizer is down again. It was working fine yesterday. Getting this error; #<JSON::ParserError: 785: unexpected token at ''>

Customizer does not work any more :-((
Queue does not work

customizer does not work any more :-/

Unfortunally the customizer doesn't work anymore..

So sad that this doesn't work anymore :(

I need to make a worm gear 1.25 diameter with .25 shaft 52 teeth and .25 thick

They forgot to put the link to developer documentation / developer manual, so here it is:

Queue doesn't work, nothing gets generated.

Still Waiting, No files

I guess MakerBot has taken a page out of the Google'verse and abandoned a great product. Really sad.

Doesn't work anymore.
Queues are not handled anymore. Everything stands for months already in queue.

3 months in queue for a fidget spinner... and counting... :(

el programa customizer, no funciona ni con safari ni sin él, ¿hay algun error que esté cometiendo para no poder utilizarlo? ¿como accedo para los things que permitern customizarse?

Still getting nothing but lags and errors from this App. Looks abandoned to me. A pity.

Don’t work. So sad for all

customizer has NOT worked at all for over 2 years now if you shut it down or cant fix it why have it available still?

google abandon it and all bug fixes when they took over Thingiverse couple years ago including login passwords which can never truly be reset. I have only been able to login through google accnt since. predates covid by at least a year as I still have ques waiting that long. I would have many more thing files in my library otherwise

what the fuck man.

Good thing I'm not in a hurry for the job that's been sitting here for 13 months!

It's really a shame. Luckily there are other ways, you can use the Openscad one, or SOL75 (even though still in beta).

Nice App. Shame that it doesn't work.

it did a couple years back very well and fast like minutes. Google abandoned it and other bug fixes when they took over operations may as well remove it from options

Yes, the customizer is still broken. It doesn't work!! Please fix it or just take it down! At least let people know its not working!!!

Comment has been deleted

Seeing as the Customizer is broken on this site, I found this blog post to be useful to be able to run the Customizer on your own computer using OpenSCAD:

"I guess QA is overrated." HAHAHAHAHA

Comment has been deleted

Ridiculous and inefficient platform. A waste of time. Stay away!

"Submitted about 1 year ago" for me. And I can't kill it. I click on the X and it goes away, but comes back a few seconds later!

I just stopped a job that was in there for ... 8 MONTHS! I completely forgot about it and it never finished it.

Does this feature works? time ago it was awesome, but right now it has never ending queues..... please can someone tell is if it will be fixed, or it is just abandoned?

in queue 4 months

Seriously. Fix it, or take it down. I thought maybe it was operator error, until I read all of these other comments.

It has worked for me and it is the best 3D model designer app to use.

Is anyone at all the supports this site reading any of this? It has obviously been broken for a VERY long time. Its a great idea, but terribly executed since it doesn't DO anything. I had 12 files that sat in a queue for 6 days. They never did anything. I have only 1 in there now that has been in most of the day with zero progress. Since the others sat for a week, I highly doubt the current one will progress at all. If it doesn't work, why even have this app public? Take it down or fix it. If you're not going to fix it, which it looks you won't or can't based on all the issues reported an nothing still working, take the crap down.

Yep. Three files in the queue for multiple days.

Does not work. Where is the Support for this app?

Based on all these reports of nothing working, it seems like there is no support at all. I wonder why it's even left online. People getting 500 errors, jobs sitting in queues for a WEEK.... Terrible. It should come down if they refuse to answer questions about it or fix it. The good news is I guess it is going to force me to get much better with CAD apps since so I can do it myself. LOL! But for the number of us that have posted here and will most likely post, I really hope they get their 'stuff' together.

It's a great idea, but please repair the app! Checkboxes don't work, some value types are not interpreted properly, renderings take infinite time, etc.

Approximately 80% of my SCAD models don't work properly in the customizer.

Quick question, what unit of measurement are they using? Because I want to customize this set of drawers and it says "drawer height: 15" but it doesn't say mm, or cm, or inches, so I'm kind of stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

it is millimeters

I want to thank the folks at Treatstock for doing a wonderful job on a 3D printing of the parts to convert a 3D printed kit of Deckard's Blade Runner blaster to a snub nose version. What a fast turnaround, in less than a week they had the parts on the way to me. The parts are perfect, with tight infill, they fit without cleanup. This is a fun project but any shortcut to better result is worth the time and these parts have saved me a lot of cutting, filling and sanding. I recommend Treatstock for any 3D printing needs and look forward to using their services again.

jacky joy

Useless. Every thing is in que indefinitely.

I have 3 old jobs running - FOR THE PAST 5 MONTHS - what a waste!

HA! And I thought the full week some of mine sat it here was bad. Why in the hell is this crap even still up? Since they obviously can't fix it or refuse to fix it (let alone even reply to any of these posts), it should be taken down. Frustrating.

Tried it again - doesn't work - again. Why have this tool if it doesn't work?

How can I cancel/delete a customization? I submitted one and it has been processing/spinning for 7 months! I don't know how to delete it. Any help would be appreciated.

incredible! How does a company do something as good as "Thingiverse" can do something as bad as "costumizer".

I have stuff in my queue from a month ago. Has this been abandoned?

Me too... I have something I didn't even know was in there.... from 7 MONTHS AGO. What the heck? And no way to cancel it.

Same here. And I don't even know how to find my existing queue. I always just have to put a new thing in there to get to it.

There appears to be nobody minding the site's Customizer tool. A useful tool in principle but from long list of queued jobs, mine included, I think that it's safe to say that it's been abandoned. Kinda sad because the Customizer is one of the key aspects that would give the site potential utility.

TRASH! After 24 hours i'm still waiting.
Can't understand what's the ideia of MakerBot to do this if it doesn't work.

I have stuff in queue for 5 months so far...

Is Customizer down, my object has been queing forever.

nao sai nada que coisa

For folks waiting for months on the models, just customize but do not queue. Click source and then download openSCAD, paste the source in and press F7. All done.

Thanks Chuymatt!!

To others struggling: Note - Not all Customizer SCAD code/libraries were resolved in openSCAD for my project file, but this is a huge step in the right direction. In my case I could get the parts scaled properly, but items like text printing was not able to be immediately resolved. I will need to become more proficient in openSCAD, to edit and resolve.

Thanks again!

For me its only rendering the base object and not the one with customized text. Any idea why this would happen?

I'm seeing the same behavior. What it shows in source is the uncustomized model. You CAN however edit it manually once you have it in OpenSCAD just by changing the variables in the left pane.

Yes No. This route seems to export the entire model, where customizer exports the separate elements. (Yes, I know Openscad should do that too.)

Great!!!! thanks it worked great!

Thank you for posting this! I have never been able to use customizer because it would be stuck in queue for months! Thank you

Customizer appears to work, but my model has been in the queue for 10 days and counting...

Customizer not working.... tested with Chrome and Firefox...
Edit = running with Firefox, but must waiting some minutes...

Customizer not working for me either.

Customizer not working, Items in queue for over a week. Are they going to fix this?

... not working for me ...

Queue now loading, however 8 days later item is still not done

Customizer Queue no longer opens now. Last time the Queue was checked, no progress after 6 days.

Yeah you can work stuff but you can't download it. It's still in queue after days.

Since yesterday it seams to work again, but if you want to create the thing, it doesn’t.
At least after 4 hours the job isn’t finished.

Customizer is dead for long time :(

I am getting error 500.

Customizer not working for me Error 500

Getting HTTPCode 500 on GearBearing when trying to click button "Open in Customizer"

Gear Bearing
by emmett

Not working for a week now! 500 error

I am also having a the same issue as the below comments. 500 HTTPS Error when I try to open the customizer. Has been occurring for a few days now.

same as everyone below, not working

Hi, I am unable to load Customizer, I get the 500 error like Manfred below.

I try to use the Customizer my first time but I get an 500 ERROR if I try to use a Customizer Link

Do I something wrong?
I use Ubuntu with Firefox and Chrome. I have this problem with both browsers.
I hope it will work soon.

Best regards

Cycloid Drive - Customizable

I am a newcomer. I made an openscad model that I'm planning to upload. The model is customizable using OpenSCAD 19.05 and I wonder whether it would be so using the MakerBot Customizer app. Therefore I tried to open in customizer a few things, but I always get a blank page. For example, I tried this model:
and then pressing the "Open in Customizer" button led me to a blank page at this URL:
The browser, Firefox v. 84.0.2, gives no warning about blocking elements in this page. Any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance.

Customisable Klein bottle (OpenSCAD)

I´m still waiting 14 days to customice a thing .. how long will it last?

I really enjoy using Customizer. Please update!

It has been broken for at least 4 months, that is how long my stuff has been in the queue... :) Maybe we should pay a little to thingiverse so that they can afford fixing it?

I've had items in customizer for over a month. That's a long time to be broken. Will it be fixed?

I've had items in the queue for months. Nothing works.

I think it's broken. Here's what I did.
Download and installed OpenSCAD.
Download the .scad file from the thing files.
Open the .scad file in OpenSCAD.
From here you can modify the parameters (right side bar).
Export as .stl and you have a printable part.
It's not that difficult and you'll get the printable file immediately.

Thanks for the advice, it works

Thanks, worked like a charm!

Thanks for the advice!!

Thank you. I never used OpenSCAD before but your instructions helped.

OpenSCAD won't let me edit the part, its probably me a I've never used OpenSCAD before but I have no idea what how to fix it or what to change

the file I have is just all numbers in code, I can't figure out how to edit it. How would I know what those numbers mean?

Gearhart sock knitting machine cylinder and ribber

The item you linked to has a .scad file. You just need to open the .scad file in OpenScad. You’ll need to install OpenScad first.

THANK YOU! This worked perfectly.

Thank you Usimian!

Not working for me. Why do they bother offering a feature that never works?

I don'T even see the que. nothing working for me.

$ months and still pending or working (not).

7 days in the queue and nothing. What is going on with this app?

files are just sitting in que for 2+ days?

I'm new to this, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sounds like customizer is harder to use then I thought.

Mr.Venerabilis, I see "$fn =" appear a number times in the code. can you detail specifically which line you removed? I'm having never ending wait times too.

U guys using "$fn = "?
Removing this line from my code fixes the errors for me!

Not working for me either. Files go into an infinite queue

Submitted 7 days ago.. It's broken :(

I just had to delete a file after it was stuck processing for the past 3 months.
I assume that my files which i created today and have been processing for 6 hours now will also fail.....

I tried to make one of those customizable Lithopanes but every time I clicked make thing It would never finish loading. Any fixes? It would help a lot. Or does it just take a while? please reply!

find in google litophane maker

not working again???? I customize a item and it just fails? would love to see it working again.

Submitted a project about a month ago... Not sure what is going on with the app.

Why is processing taking so long?

Has not worked in months. i finnaly deleted some that have ben processing for over 48 days.

Does not work .. Linux with Firefox, Opera browsers.. One could consider this an exotic setup, but seeing that on Windoze it does not work either.. well that just points to a way larger issues with this site.

Not to mention that the pages are sooooo slow to load!

Endless waiting for my STL

Not working here either, Win 10 Pro v2004, Firefox & Edge, I will try Chrome and come back to report on it

Well, even worse in Chrome, I get this error on load

Oh No!
There was a problem communicating with Thingiverse.

It is also possible that you are using Safari, if so click the Safari Fix button then reload this page.

I've the same Problem. Tested on different Computer with different browsers. "Oh No" Message everytime. :-(

Cool idea if it worked.

It went from severely broken to completely broken in Chrome (Windows and MacOS). While it does mention a fix for Safari when you are viewing the page in Chrome... Ironically you can only get to the "Safari fix' page in Chrome. In Safari it just asks you to login... again... and again and again... So in Safari, every time I attempt to load the Customizer page I just get the login page...

It does work on Windows in Microsoft Edge Version 85.0.564.51 (Official build) (64-bit).

I noticed it only works (you can edit/modify designs) using MS Edge. But it still doesn't work. I've got one in the queue for 4 days now and still processing. In the past it would take (at most) only a few hours. I had others still processing for > 1 week (I killed those).
What went wrong?

Not working in edge or fox!

open it in Microsoft edge

How???????? I can not get mine to finish loading after pressing create thing

Will this get fixed? I need to make an arm for a local 6 year old!

Keeps saying "Safari Fix" but im using Chrome.

Hi, same problem here like Trigger666...keep loading, not making a file :-(

Oh NO error - any ideas?

it just keep loading ! please fix it !
i have things that have loaded for almost a week now

I am having problems the past few days. The Sweeping Name Plate and several of its remixes are not loading. ( )

Sweeping 2-line name plate (text)
by makkuro

Used to Use This Then it suddenly Quit Working

Still not working, RIP.

It does not work in chrome, however, I have had pretty good luck with using Microsoft Edge

After waiting few days, decided to look for alternate solutions and found this guide to setup my own Customizer on my laptop. Took couple of minutes to install and 5 min to process my 3D model and generate a STL file :)

Where did you apply the customization at inside of Openscad?

On the right side of OpenSCAD, the options are there but collapsed. Once you expand them, you can set the values. See step 5 in the above link which covers it.

Yeah, unfortunately I've ran into a snag with the write command, followed the steps for it but the files are very old and don't think they work with the version he has listed. Mine is only showing the blank keychain and nothing else.

You can try another SCAD file to find out if it’s your file which isn’t supported or a setup issue which you can fix :)

This hasn't worked in months, is there ever going to be a fix for this?

help Please! Customizer is dead!

Yes help Please! Customizer is dead!

i could customize - but now my customization is in Queue since 21 hours.

It dosent work, have tried it in Chrome and Internet explorer, can someone please do a intro for us dummies who cant get it to work…

Hello, hello, your "customizer" is BROKEN!!!

Does no one from MakerBot read these comments?

I wait and wait and wait, nothing happens

I'm having the same problem but I could get it to open in Microsoft edge and make adjustments but
that was it just would not create anything.

Yes help Please! Customizer is dead!

I get error pages for Customizer too; is it down?

everytime i try to use it i get a error page please fix it

I tried Customizer in Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge on multiple machines; it only worked in Edge. All the other browsers throw errors in the Dev console at different places for different reasons.

I keep getting "Sorry" message what the heck been trying for 2 weeks same result "Sorry"

Customizer is taking forever to process my queue.. I need it to work for an online course

I think customizer is dead, I've had stuff sitting in the queue for days. What you can do in the meantime is download the scad files of whatever design you want, then go download OpenSCAD from Then you can open the SCAD files in that. The code for the scad will be on the left, change the parameters as you need there, then it's F5 to preview, F6 to render and F7 to export the stl file.

Sadly, OpenSCAD doesn't recognise the "writecylinder" parameter wich is an essential thing on the following object:

I need to edit this object and download it FAST, because I want to 3D print this thing for a friend's birthday. I only have a day to edit and print it.

Customizable Movie Award

I managed to resolve it, it needed some libraries to be downloaded and some modifications had to be made in the SCAD code.

6 days and still waiting, what the heck.

For those in need, just download OpenSCAD, create a new file> paste the code generated by the view source button> press f5 to generate the preview> f6 to render> f7 exports the stl. It's pretty easy and it saved my day.

Thank you so much! that helped

thank you, that helped

I am on 5 days and still wiating

Waiting for ever too

Been waiting forever too. Anybody know of a different one that works ?

I'm on 15 days and still waiting too.

Does anybody knows, how long does it take???

its my first time with customizer, and i'm already dissapointed =(

Its a great idea but terrible impementation

23 days and still waiting

I don't need my customized file anymore but just as an update, 23 days and still waiting

haha i think i've waiting more than others here, when its ready i will post again so everybody may have an approximate time on processing

I am on 8 days and still wiating

My things have been stuck in the queue for days. I need it published for an online course!!! Is anything being done?

Same here...stuck in queue since last night.

My thingies are stuck in the queue since 11 days! Please take a look what´s going on, i like the customizer a lot.

Stuck in queue since last night. Aw shucks.

Came to see if I was the only one and I see not.
I have a few of customized Thingy's stuck in the queue.

Thanks, looking forward to using it again.

new to thingiverse and 3d printing in general so am learning, would think your website would cater towards people with all levels of experience. unless i would have found this very very specific section of your website i would have been extremely confused and exhausted of options i cannot figure out how to use your website easily the customizer download is very complicated. Why cant i download a zip like every single other file on your site why tf do i have to publish it. very confusing and very slow wish it was much better.

once again its not working help

So sad, please fix it soon.
and pleeeaaase switch standard to UNCHECK publish every customized thing. the server gets flooded with 1000s of keyrings and earsavers. this would help the servers performance and the users!

Update: Still Not Working..

App no longer working, every time I've tried to do something it spends 6 or 7 days processing.
It's a pity it was a good app

I just came to see if other people had stuff that would not complete. It is disappointing because this feature is very beneficial. Please fix when you can.

The customizer don't run anymore since more than a week.
Started jobs are running endless. (> 5 days)

I have the same problem, I thought I was doing something wrong

Been in the queue for a day and a half now. Realy not an acceptable SLA for what some would conisdder a key feature of the site.

the application has not run for several days

When will Customizer be fixed again??

service seems to be down. Files have been processing for 3 days

Same as below. Service seems down, all my things 20 hours and pending

This service seems broken. I have had two items in the queue for more than 24 hours. If you guys are not going to monitor and maintain this service then take it down and notify people accordingly.

Hi! Why my thing is not loading? :(

Erro ao gerar ficheiros customizer

Been waiting for 24 hrs for the customizer to process my submission with zero information on why it is taking so long... Not a very user-friendly app.

Well at least you lot got your stuff in the queue. I have tried 2 days now and all I get is "something went wrong"

Soooo, not working at all? Waited 8 hours and decided to do it my self with OpenSCAD and it took less than a minute... Still in queue now for 11 hours...

I'll join the call for either a fix or a discontinue! Having a feature that doesn't work is pathetic.

This app should have a job queue listed on the queue page. as in:

"Your submission is # 2156 of 5690 submitted. Our server is working through all these requests. Press 'notify by email' to recieve notification of when our server has processed your request. We make processed objects available for X days for each user to download or publish them, after this time the submission is deleted."

because right now i have no idea if the server is borked, is just overloaded, or simply has a lot to work through. I see no progress on my end when the progress bar is full, my customization is not available to download, and nothing has changed except submission time from 5 minutes ago to 4 hours ago.

What are the default units of customizer? cm? mm? other? is it possible to change them?

yea I think I'm gonna change to.

This needs to be fixed! Spent too much time thinking I was doing something wrong before reading all of these other comments.

when I press open in customizer it opens it but doesn't show anything anybody know why?

It's been broken forever lol what a joke, I know there are pc alternatives but I like to do everything on the cloud, gonna have to do some research cause it's clear this is not getting fixed anytime soon...

Edit: wtf 1 hours after my comment my 3 things are done? Coincidence??

i'm waiting for 4 days... thingiverse should change the name from customizer to LIMBO

Any idea why its not working?

what a shame this is not working, I hope this is not the beginning of the end for Thingiverse?

3 day now and still wait! :-(

Repair your service or discontinue it.

Same for me. Multiple items sitting in queue limbo for days.

Same to Me :-(
it is very disappointing Greetings from Munich

It's apparent this thing is busted and has been for a very long time; multiple things waiting in the queues for interminable time periods. Could someone point me to another website they've since found that does same/similar deal? I just want to convert my baby daughter's footprint into a stamp.

Same for me ! Tried everything - my objects still in queue with no progress - and no information. Tried also delete all object and customize again - same result for 4 days now...

Customizer is still broken. My queue has multiple objects being processed for 3 days.

I'm still trying to use customizer.. used chrome and edge and it's been processing my files for days. Is there any fix for this?

I've also not had any customizer files processed for 3 days now :-/

Still broken, any idea is it is getting fixed?

Seems I'm not the only one with the queue issue. Hope it gets fixed soon.

Can anyone responsible for Customizer provide a message ?
I have tried every options to get a .stl from Customizer - since 20 hours in queue and nothing happens.

The same, 2 days and still in queue.

Customizer not working, 2 days stl in queue

Is there a solution nearby for the problem with creating the stl-files? I also got the problem and fortunately it seems I'm not alone so it's not me causing the problem :D

What is wrong with cutomizer ? Waiting since 20 hours to get my .slt done in queue.

Would love it if one could access the customizer queue. The only way I can find to access it is to create a new object.

Having trouble today. Does not seem to be working.. At least taking much longer than normal to create design. Working with Pegstr - Pegboard Wizard
by mgx

Haven't noticed this before today. Get a red "default backend - 404" error at the bottom of the page, 404 error goes away if I reduce the X_count parameter to 3.but still no part created so far.

I'm also getting that 404 error (5 hours after you posted this)...

First time trying to use this but my queue seems stalled. I've tried a number of different parametric models, tried checking and unchecking publish/email me when finish. I tried leaving the queue for a full day or so, and also tried clearing the queue out. Something appears to be broken.

How long does it usually take for it to generate and send the file? I’m on 20 hours now.

Hola, como puedo hacer algo personalizado, por ejemplo un nombre?

To fix height of iframe:

Inspect (Ctrl+Shift+I)
Find this in page: <iframe id="app_frame"......
Add height: 50em; under

I can't see the previews correctly, because the working area is just a few cm high
Now it is a gamble if the customizer settings are correct
Would be nice if this could be fixed really fast

I had this problem for ages too but found a fix using Tampermonkey which adjusted the settings and it worked, but I'm now like the people above, and customizer isn't actually processing the files (3 days now). Here's the link about the preview fix though:

same issue and they do absolutely nothing since few month

Can't use because of continuing frame bug, can't see some of the commands. Can this be fixed?

unable to create thing for unknown reason

i was trying to use customizer for my coursera assignment well the app is not at all supportive and while using to change any object then the app is not allowing the screen to show well that is bothering a lot while creating or remixing. how should i submit my assignment when today the last day for the submission i request to change the app requirments .

please can you correct the iframe half screen bug?

please can you correct the iframe half screen bug?

I created a THING but it comes up with a 404 in thingiverse...Is that due to thingiverse or customiser??

I had the same issue happen when I click "download all files" in the top right. Goto "thing files" and click on the individual file.

HALF-SCREEN SOLUTION: You can also RIGHT-click "VIEW SOURCE" which is right next to the blue "Create Thing" button at the top right of the screen. Select "Open link in new tab".

See my picture attached to this comment.

My setup: PC, WIN 10, Chrome


Thank you! This was very frustrating and the new tab solution works great.

Thank you so much

Thank you - this was very irritating!

Спасибо! Danke! Thank you! Gracias!


you saved my life thanks.

Mac, download OpenScad. On half-viewable Customizer page, Click "view source". Put cursor on pop-up text, Select All (even if you can't see it all : ) Copy. Open OpenScad, New, Paste, Enjoy.

Worked well for me. Apologies if someone already commented this solution, came to me as I was reading previous comments. Cheers!

Go Packers!

This actually works even when the app is down, thanks for the tip! :D

Amazing that this still does not work. There are complaints on this thread since before 2017.

I don't want to use a chrome extension or have to set iframe height to maximum. absurd

this problem should embarrass the makerbot team

i have the same problem with "half screen" on chrome, pc. My solution without any extensions and for me the best and easiest way is go normal to the customizer and then go to "view page source" with right mouse click. and there is always a link in the line ~77 :

" <iframe id="app_frame" src=""

Click on the link and then it will show you the page correctly.

Chrome, PC(Windows)

Perfect in Pc, I will try on mac, Thank you

Doesn't seem to work on Mac - just get an auth error. On Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

My man! Many thanks!

Worked for me! thanks

Same problem with the customizer (half screen). With Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Iexplorer. Any hint? Chrome extension "open frame" not found. Thank you! Raimund

Hi Xabbu,
As Doublehead described openframe is working. For installation go to your chrome menu: Window->Extensions->open chrome web store from the pull down menu on your top left corner. Then search for openframe and install it. After installation, right click on the frame and open it in a new tab.
I hope it helps!

worked for me! go to menu in the top right corner (3 dots for chrome), then More tools, extensions, then you wont find anything there you have to go to the chrome web store on the bottom left. then search open frame.

Hi Roberto,

unfortunately I couldn't find it. I searched "openframe" and "open frame" and only "open" and Chrome reported "not found". Maybe because of the German version, I don't know. See screenshot attached. Best Raimund

Hi Raimund,
You are doing a search of extensions that you have already installed. That is why you cannot find openframe. In order to install it go to the menu to the left of your search. In your screenshot it says: Erweiterungen, which I guess translates as Extensions? If you mouse left-click once on top of the three parallel horizontal lines to the left of Erweiterungen you will see a menu pull down. Look then for Chrome webstore. From there on it is self explanatory... Let me know if it works for you. I am attaching few screenshots...
All the best, Roberto

Got it! Perfect! Thank you for your help. Works like a charme. Have a good day! Raimund

Get the chrome extension " open frame "
Then open the frame in a new window.
But Scad is still less clunky. Site is slow right now.

Stills Half frame page after installation here :/

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much

Confirmed that Open Frame works

good hint, thanks it works

Just click "open in new tab (or window)" and it will show up in a good way with only the customizer menu

Half of the screen is cut off in all browsers. work not possible
This applies to Browsers Edge and Internet Explorer (each updated)

Half of the screen is cut off in all browsers. work not possible

Half of the screen is cut off in all browsers. work not possible

Half of the screen is cut off in all browsers. work not possible

Half of the screen is cut off in all browsers. Come on!

Half of the screen is cut off in all browsers. Come on!

Same Issue as ToraRya regardless of Browser, chrome firefox IE all the same

since a while, when I clic on any customize thing, there is a huge bar in front of all...

I havve that on firefox and chrome

Same problem for me, in Chrome and Safari on OSX. Tried disabling all ad blockers etc

Same here. totally unusable. I can scroll down through the parameters by using mini scroll on right but when I use "create thing" button a pop-up comes up that I cannot read nor dismiss w/o going back to same squashed screen

same for me!

So the zip appears a day later. I was able to download it.

You guys can use Chrome, find the iframe tag and add a height to it. E.g. add an attribute height="1000".

But then even after customizing is complete, the zip can't be downloaded.

Please guide me where I can do this.

I got a 404 on the .zip file as well, but was able to download the individual .stl files (from the "Thing Files" tab)

This worked for me, thanks. Opened the dev tools in Chrome, added an attribute to the iframe, was able to make it and download my files from the customizer queue.

Tried that, couldn't find the line I needed. Guess my amp isn't going to have a box.

That's funny. I had the same solution before I read this and also set it to 1000 pixels. Still getting a 404 on the Download button once the thing is completed in the queue. Speaking as a web developer, shape up, I love this site; it has so much potential, and the GUI is easy to follow, but you need a stable bug-free build BEFORE shoehorning in new features. Idk. Add code-review or something.

RIP. Yep, display is a fail. Hopefully they will fix soon.

hola el customizer no funciona hay alguna alternativa

Customizer is not open up fully. showing about a third of the screen. Can you please fix. Thanks

Same issue here with chromium and firefox on linux. Footer of page is halfway the screen, the frame with the actual content is less than half the space between header and footer.


  1. in Firefox: Right click in frame and choose "this frame > show only this frame"
  2. probably all browsers: goto{THING_ID}

Worked for me as well on Chrome. Thanks

Using Firefox.
Thanks, this helped.

Just getting a backend error 404 these days. No way to open even with extension in all browsers.

I sent an email to support yesterday. I hope they read and answer. I will post it here when I get it.

it works great on Goggle Chrome for Mac, if you add this "open frame" extension in chrome:

I did not try on windows, but it should also work.

Is "Open in frame" supposed to show with right click on all hyperlinks or only on those that intended to open a frame?
After adding it to Chrome and restarting Chrome I tried the right click menu on a bunch of links and I still do not see the option for "Open in frame". I do not think my right-click menu changed at all.
Can ad-blocking extensions prevent it from running?
I am on Chrome 80.0.3987.149.

You do NOT want to right click on any of the hyperlinks. From the thing you click the "Launch App" button and after it launches and starts customizer hover over the frame/area where customizer is running(the section that has a scroll bar but not on the scroll bar itself). There you right click and "Open Frame -> In a new tab" and this will launch just the customizer in a new tab.

This worked for me on Chrome and Ubuntu linux

I did not figure what you meant by "From the thing" and where to "click the "Launch App" button". If you have a spare moment, please clarify.

What I was able to get is when I right-click on a to-be customizer window I do see an option in context menu "Open in Frame". But anyway, after using the Open in Frame I sill get the same message that I see in the regular Chrome window. Its snip is attached.

What is the recommended web browser to use it?
Chrome reports an error. MS Edge and Firefox open it in a window that is literally 5 lines tall with no options to expand making it useless.


It's completely broken I'm getting so annoyed of it.

Costimizer Screen does not fit cant see picture of make... the options menu also doesnt fit ...someone know how to fix ? using windows 10 and tryed with some browsers same issue

I have this issue too. Chrome and Firefox. Completely useless

Is It like this?? If it like my case, you just have to right click and choose the Option "This Frame > Open Frame in Newtab"

This fix worked for me but after trying 4 browsers on my mac and then 3 of my PC. It would only work in Firefox on my PC. All other browsers did not have the option to open frame in new tab...

it works great on Goggle Chrome for Mac, if you add this "open frame" extension in chrome:

It looks the same for me...

Oh No! There was a problem communicating with Thingiverse. Happens every time trying to use customizer.
I've been getting this message for the last 2 days. is it broke?

I'm not getting access.
This error always appears:
Oh No!
There was a problem communicating with Thingiverse.

It is also possible that you are using Safari, if so click the Safari Fix button then reload this page.
I use Chrome as a browser on win 10

I don't think Customizer works on Mac because every time I try it, I am rewarded with a blank screen. I wait till it says its done loading and nothing is there. I have tried it on multiple customizable files and none worked. I tried it on a friends computer (not apple) and it worked fine. Thats a bit annoying...

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When trying to use the Customizer I get the error "" We're sorry, but something went wrong. "On a PC with XP, another with Windows 7 and another with Windows 10, either with IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge .. .some help ?

Thank you

Just read below will not work with MS Edge every win 10 pc I have has EDGE NOT IE

I just got my first 3d printer and used this Customizer to make a key chain for my Daughter and it did exactly what I needed it to do. Thanks

Hmm seems Costumizer has major problems with accessing own files. And when it works 1 out 10, it's annoying slow.

"We're sorry, but something went wrong."

No shit sherlock

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is this not working anymore?

Is it possible to make the preview graphic faster and be a bit more responsive? That is the only complaint i have about Customizer.

What version of OpenSCAD is this running behind-the-scenes? I have a module that should work on any OpenSCAD version later than 2016.1, but it fails on the Customizer. Can you please update to a newer version of OpenSCAD?

Is there a definitive list of fonts available on the thingiverse customizer?
And is there a way to automatically list the available fonts on the thingiverse customizer in my openscad file?

When I click on "Open in Customizer", it simply comes back with
Oh No!
There was a problem communicating with Thingiverse.
It is also possible that you are using Safari, if so click the Safari Fix button then reload this page.
Doesn't work in Firefox, Brave, Chrome... Is there something special I'm supposed to do? I've never seen the Customizer work. Help?

I got it to work on Windows 10 Pro in Internet Explorer, of all things. Not Chrome, Firefox, or even Microsoft Edge.

Same here.


Its a shame that the great customizer is not running on the most platforms for such a long time.
janssen86 found out the reason an posted the bug May 30, 2018. The bug it is still there.
Is this the example for the benefit of closed source?

Greetings Klaus

Is there any way to let the user see console output after making changes to Customizer-available parameters?
Though I cannot force all parameters to only workable combinations, I can provide useful output to the console in something I am working on.

Also, just noting that with Chrome on Win 10 x64, in Customizer, I get about 25% success rate in actually generating a preview when I change parameters. I have to try multiple times. No error messages, just no preview. If I hit the little House icon several times it will eventually appear.

Issue: customizer does not display array values for user editing. See my creations where the array values are the primary values to be displayed.

all i would like to say is that this is on of the most frustrating online freeze ups that I have ever used, so then I have to ask if there is a downloadable version that can work on the pc, and maybe, just maybe the volume of users at the same time would not slow it down or fill it with bugs...

You can download OpenSCAD and render it on your PC! It's easy, look it up.

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A few years ago I used customizer all the time on Mac. Stopped the hobby for awhile, and now having been back for a few months, customizer has not worked once. Same error messages posted by many before me.
Has customizer become a app only for MS Edge? WTF happened?

Not working in Chrome, IE, Edge, FF :(

Not working in FF, Chrome, IE or on my mac running Safari. I have run out of OS and browsers.

// UPDATE: Got home and on my Windows 10 PC it worked with MS Edge Browser //

It's still buggy with Firefox. Same message like for all (the Safari thing).
But it works in MS Edge, provided by Windows.

waiting for the fix also

Any word on if this will work in chromium browsers without thinking its safari yet? I'm still being told that something went wrong and to try the safari fix.

It doesn't require a plugin or anything like that, does it?

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I think the only weakness of the customizer is the quality of the preview window. Anybody knows how that can be improved ?

The same problem, I get a message that says "something went wrong". I am using Firefox 61.0.1 (64-bit).

This is one of my designs:
In my computer it seems to work.

Update: If I try to create a new file, I get this error on queue:

<Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: "\xC3" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8>


I just went through a long troubleshooting process to correct a similar error.
In my case it was a comment line that had unicode for an em-dash. (The looong dash character.)
Check for any comment lines containing something odd.
Here was the problematic text in my case:

//default uses a step size of 10 degrees, i.e. 0,10,20,30,40,50,60 — 7 points to define the ramp and joined by hull()

Thanks, I tried that some time ago, and it worked, but thanks. :)

I am sorry for not indicating here that the problem was solved.

dd 01-08-2018 (better mention year at this pace..) something went wrong...

"Oh No!

There was a problem communicating with Thingiverse.

It is also possible that you are using Safari, if so click the Safari Fix button then reload this page."

I'm getting this message with anything I try to customize. I'm using Firefox and Chrome, neither work.

I am also unable to run Customizer in Firefox. Anyone have a fix or suggestion?


is there any update on the customizer app?
It has been dead for months now.

I'm trying with a fairly simple scad file, same error as always "something went wrong"

It's not working. Every time i click the "Customizer" button it loads a page that says "Something Went Wrong"

Completely dead! what's going on Thingiverse?????? any official update?

I did some research and bug-hunting via elimination and found that apparently, a change was uploaded to Customizer between Apr 11 and May 19. Before this change, Customizer would ignore unicode characters (° ä ö ü etc.) in comments. Now such characters, even when they appear just in the comments, cause the code to fail.

I found
error occurs,no unicode characters.

Echo Dot Wall Cradle

I created my first customizable thing a few days ago, but strange things are happening with strings and the text function.

Here's a discussion around it:

Solved. unicode characters (° ä ö ü) removed from comments sections.

how can i use it? i cant see any download button :/

This app worked for me today for the first time ever.
I went back a few hours later to look at other customisable objects and nothing....
Even the one I customised earlier wont open in the app.

It was fantastic or a brief moment in my life. Would love to see it working more often, PLEASE.

Nice to see that my new customizable creation is on the start page. Sad to see that one has to install some development build of OpenSCAD and find & change two settings to customize it.

That's not the kind of newbie friendly environment I created my customizable OpenSCAD design for.

Has there been an official statement from Thingiverse/Makerbot as to why they have abandoned the customizer? It's odd that they would abandon one of the key differentiators of their site from the other 3D modeling repositories without any notice, and in such an odd way. Putting a library back in place shouldn't take long so obviously that's not it, and if there is a bigger issue (securtity relating to the files being fed to OpenSCAD, etc) they would obviously have left a better "We'll be right back after we find a patch" type of message.

Thingiverse Message March 25, 2018: “Customizer is currently unavailable. The Thingiverse Team is working to fix Customizer as we know it is a well-loved Thingiverse feature.”

Brilliant. So glad to hear they are "working." [I am "working" on lots of things. I hope nobody is holding their breath until I complete them.]

My Primary Question:
• Do you have any suggestions for alternative sites/applications for posting 3D object designs that users can shape by inputting their own specifications?

And, other things I am curious about:

  • Why does Customizer need to be "fixed"?????
    -Where does fixing Customizer fit in the Stratasys/Makerbot corporate priorities?
    -Why should anyone develop projects for Thingiverse/Customizer if Stratasys/Makerbot software engineers are unable to keep Customizer operating reliably.

Perhaps I should just celebrate that the projections of gloom and doom that were made when Stratasys purchased Makerbot nearly 5 years ago have taken this long to come true for Customizer.


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Same error:

/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Fix, please?

Fucking Christ, why the shit is this STILL BROKEN?

Also, anybody have an alternative tool for this while things are still broken?

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OpenSCAD seems to solve a lot of issues, but it's not perfect or everything.

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/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Still with this issue here :-(

Tue, 13 Mar, 18 - Same issue as below; receiving the /usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

Here is the screen I am receiving the error on;

Sun, 11 Mar, 18 - Same issue as below; receiving the /usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

Here is the screen I am receiving the error on;

Just remove the feature if you aren't going to support it when it breaks.

Getting /usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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Getting usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory whenever I try to save any thing

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/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

And that's AFTER adding to my cookies whitelist. It's been months, maybe over a year for some users, since this bug manifested itself.

-hey fx this please : /usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

" cannot open shared object file"

Seriously, how long does it take for you people to fix this ?!

Still not working chrome on windows 10

come on fix this already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SOOOOOOOO long this has been broken yet NOTHING has been done about it.

Mgiorgio gave fix..
Feb 11, 2018

Hi everyone
Unfortunatelly it not works longer time, but works a offline methode, it´s true not 100% for all time, it depends how is the customized model written.

need download openscad from - install the customized model file (.scad)open openscad run, let customizer visible in View (hide customizer mustn´t be marked) you need it doo only first timeOpen file set it if set in the final push F6 (Render), export STL"

HUH "let customizer visible in view(hide customizer mustn't be marked)"


First you have to enable te customizer of openscad; go to preferences, features (all the way to the bottom) check customizer (enable customizer).

After that you'll see the option in view: hide customizer. uncheck it... you should now see the customize menu on the right...

have fun.

First you have to enable te customizer of openscad; go to preferences, features (all the way to the bottom) check customizer (enable customizer).

After that you'll see the option in view: hide customizer. uncheck it... you should now see the customize menu on the right...

have fun.

in the view menu at the top of the openscad program, it was there.. I was about to go crazy

I used this version OpenSCAD-2018.01.06-x86-64 it for windows 10

You find here

If you open customizable openscad file first push F5 or preview after will appear the customizer and the full part

Does it give a fix for the shared library issue? Or is it nowadays like we sit it out till the users forget about it? Please fix it

Yeah, customizer cant load libCGAL, which it needs to render and export the object to an stl.

not working on Google Chrome......who ruined for everyone?!?!

/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Anyone figure this out?

Incorrectly identifies my browser as Safari (I'm using Vivaldi, a fork of Chromium) and clicking the "Safari fix" button seemingly does nothing.

What browsers have other people had success with?

To be fair, it does not "incorrectly identify your browser as Safari". It offers you a fix in case you are using Safari, hence the text "It is also possible that you are using Safari, if so (...)"

That being said, no luck on either Chrome or FF.

That is true, but if you're not using Safari then why would you need the fix? If your User Agent is of Chrome then you're not using Safari.

I'm still seeing the "/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" error in Customizer as well.

This sucks.... please get customizer working!!!!!


usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

It's dead, Jim. Same error as everybody else.

For some reason I am not able to use the customizer app. When attempting to use the app I get a message (/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) for every thing I attempt to customize.
I also get the error message (#<RuntimeError: Failed to get 403: Forbidden>) in my queue.
Can you tell me what the problem might be?

Thank you very much. This is a good solution for some models.

Hi everyone
Unfortunatelly it not works longer time, but works a offline methode, it´s true not 100% for all time, it depends how is the customized model written.

  1. need download openscad from - install it.
  2. download the customized model file (.scad)
  3. open openscad run, let customizer visible in View (hide customizer mustn´t be marked) you need it doo only first time
  4. Open file set it if set in the final push F6 (Render), export STL

Same error for me but I just download the Scad file and set the parameters locally using Scad software. This has the advantage of being always available, and maybe one day I'll even learn to program Scad.

Hope this gets fixed one day....

same error as everyone else

/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Please fix!

Same issue

/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Still not working. Seem it’s been for a loooong while now

/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Same here
/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Same problem here. Please, fix it. Thanks.

/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Another voice to the '/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory' error.

/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


I´m trying to open this customizer:

And the app throws an error "/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".

Can you help me?

Thank you, very much!

the customizer is broken, not only will it not render the items but won;t even show the preview of said models as i alter the settings.

I try all browsers and all tell me error.


"/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

No previsualization showing

Halloo, Thingiverse! Do you hear us? If you hear nod your head please!

Getting this error when I modify one of the desings...

<RuntimeError: Failed to get 403: Forbidden>

Does not work since last november or december. I suppose no one cares enough to fix it. Oh was good while it lasted

Is this still broken for people, i'm trying to get a coupler made but it refuses to work.

Still broken, please fix it!!

Same as Sage19175. Its been working for me until today when I downloaded and installed Openscad. I didn't try customizer prior to installing so I don't know if that might have been the cause. I did roll back my windows to prior to the install with no help. I installed CCleaner and removed any remaining bits of Opencad. I'm definitely bummed, I really like Customizer! Please fix it soon.

Still not working,
/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

ERROR :( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

broken anybody else get this message:

/usr/local/bin/openscad/openscad: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Same here. So it is not the change I did to my model?

I get the same error.

I am a teacher and am teaching a STEAM project about snowflakes. I wanted to use the snowflake machine in customizer to show students the math behind snow and allow them to 3D print some to use for an art installation. It's so sad I have to change my plans because this is broken. Anyone know other options?

Costumizer here do not work anymore

The error persists, is there nobody responsible for fixing this or even inform the community about the issue?

The mentionned workaround, to download the source to OpenSCAD, does not work (at least in my case) it is only the default item without my customizations. Make a "customizer" a bit nonsensical....

I wonder if they have ANY intention on fixing this broken thing.

<RuntimeError: Failed to get 403: Forbidden>
BTW my PC is laggy enough i don't wanna install openscad

Openscad works for me but the particular scad I want to customize doesnt seem to fully work in openscad.

What's the hold up ? And why dont they even communicate about it ? I just checked their twitter and they flat out ignore all questions related to customizer.

Same here, sucks

Hello everyone, this still does not work

Customizer is STILL stuffed. I've tried on 3 different computers in two different geographical location using 3 different browsers. Is this issue ever going to get resolved.

Hallo Zusammen,

genau der gleiche Fehler:

<RuntimeError: Failed to get 403: Forbidden>

  • ist der Fehler bekannt ?
  • wird daran gearbeitet ?

best regards

hello makers and creators

i can't make nothing there is constant a error what can i do

best regards

you can also go to your queue and see the error for you job. Click on "see details". In there you will get the url that is getting an authentication error (403) and can copy that (it will look like Paste that into a browser and when asked what to do with the file simply "Open With" and use OpenScad. This of course makes me wonder why I do not get a 403 when opening the file and they do but that is a different story :-(

I have attached an rtf with screenshots just in case.

So, any plans to fix this thing ? Been nealy a month now.

I'd use openscad but the particular file I want to customize uses a ".dat" file for bump maps and I have no idea how to generate that stuff. (I've looked at a few tutorials and they are incredibly obtuse)

Seriously every time I come to use this site anymore it doesn't work.

i`ve changed the name but any tell me how to change the font

When in Customizer mouse over to the top right of the preview window and click "View Source".
In the window that pops up select all text, right click and hit "Copy".
Open a new Notepad file on your Windows PC and paste the copied text.
Save as "YourFileNameHere.scad" <- This creates an .scad file.
Go to:
Download SCAD for FREE and install.
Open SCAD, click "File" and "Open".
Browse to your newly created
.scad file and open it.
In the right hand window you'll see the code that generates your object.
Anytime you edit anything in the code, be sure you mouse to the top of that window and click "Preview" or hit F5 on your keyboard.
If the object creator is nice, every parameter of your customizable model will have a clear comment as to what changing that parameter will do.
When your done customizing the model click "Export to STL" at the top of the window.

Enjoy your customized model.

I did exactly as you said and it worked! Thank you for your help!

One note: After copying the text into word pad, I clicked Save As and entered "MyThing.scad", then clicked Save. This created a file called "MyThing.scad.txt", meaning that it was still a text file. In File Explorer I browsed to the file location and renamed it (deleted the ".txt") to finally create a .scad file. If you're unsure about all this, after downloading and installing OpenScad, right click the file and click Properties, and the Type of File should read "OpenSCAD_file (.scad)". Happy printing everyone!

Thanks MooseKnight!

On MacOS use TextEdit, save as .TXT and rename the file to remove the .TXT extension.

This great! Thanks you for this work around!

Thank you for this workaround!

Works for me. Thanks man!

It's work! Really thank you!

EDIT: I got it! I just changed the parameters of the scad to select the correct part!

Hey! thanks for the post!

That works for simple items. but I'm trying to do it with this:

the Extrusion with frond and side holes. But when I copy and paste the code I always get the first item from the list and not the one I want :(

403 error here too :-/

Still wont work,iver tried multiple times in the past couple days

<RuntimeError: Failed to get 403: Forbidden>

Still getting 403 Error. Hopefully this will get resolved soon. Looks like it's been at least 2 weeks since reported.

Funny how much I miss this service, now that it's not available.

thinguniverse customiser error #<RuntimeError: Failed to get

Seems to be everywhere:

<RuntimeError: Failed to get 403: Forbidden>

<RuntimeError: Failed to get 403: Forbidden>

Please fix!

Now Customizer works but when generating the thing it fails in the queue with the description, already mentioned by others:

<RuntimeError: Failed to get 403: Forbidden>

Furthermore the given link point to the .scad file of my model that is correctly downloadable... Why "403: Forbidden"???
Please fix Customizer, it's ages it isn't working! It was so nice to customize from thingiversse models... A killer feature you're "killing". :(

The error below (#<RuntimeError: Failed to get 403: Forbidden>) happens also to

Seems a more general problem. Anyone an idea how to fix this ?

Customizable Round Box with Lid
by Arvin

There is a problem with

Everything seems to work fine, but when you create the object there is an error

<RuntimeError: Failed to get 403: Forbidden>

iam trying to do the customizer myself in OpenScad,

Works ok, BUT when i hit F6 and about to generate, it takes so long ? like 5min, and this webpage (when working) its almost instantly?

You can press F5 for preview which is much faster!

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t||(t=o),e.inPlace=f,e.flag=a,e}},{}],ee:[function(t,n,e){function r(){}function o(t){function n(t){return t&&t instanceof r?t:t?c(t,s,i):i()}function e(e,r,o,i){if(!l.aborted||i){t&&t(e,r,o);for(var a=n(o),s=h(e),c=s.length,f=0;f<c;f++)s[f].apply(a,r);var d=u[y[e]];return d&&d.push([g,e,r,a]),a}}function p(t,n){v[t]=h(t).concat(n)}function h(t){return v[t]||[]}function m(t){return d[t]=d[t]||o(e)}function w(t,n){f(t,function(t,e){n=n||"feature",y[e]=n,n in u||(u[n]=[])})}var v={},y={},g={on:p,emit:e,get:m,listeners:h,context:n,buffer:w,abort:a,aborted:!1};return g}function i(){return new r}function a(){(u.api||u.feature)&&(l.aborted=!0,u=l.backlog={})}var s="nr@context",c=t("gos"),f=t(15),u={},d={},l=n.exports=o();l.backlog=u},{}],gos:[function(t,n,e){function r(t,n,e){if(,n))return t[n];var r=e();if(Object.defineProperty&&Object.keys)try{return Object.defineProperty(t,n,{value:r,writable:!0,enumerable:!1}),r}catch(i){}return t[n]=r,r}var 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for this script and more:\n * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use\n ****************************************************/\n \n \n \n \n //preload images\n if (document.images) {\n img0 = new Image();\n img0.src = "/img/vertex_sprites.png";\n img1 = new Image();\n img1.src = "/img/vertex_sprites2.png";\n img2 = new Image();\n img2.src = "/img/alligator_sprites.png";\n\t}\n var vertexes = new Array(\n new Array(Math.floor(Math.random()*70),Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerWidth),Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerHeight)),\n new Array(Math.floor(Math.random()*70),window.innerWidth - Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerWidth),Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerHeight)),\n new Array(Math.floor(Math.random()*70),Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerWidth),window.innerHeight - Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerHeight)),\n new Array(Math.floor(Math.random()*70),window.innerWidth - Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerWidth),window.innerHeight - Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerHeight)),\n new Array(Math.floor(Math.random()*70),window.innerWidth - Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerWidth),Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerHeight)),\n new Array(Math.floor(Math.random()*70),Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerWidth),window.innerHeight - Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerHeight)),\n new Array(Math.floor(Math.random()*70),Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerWidth),Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerHeight)),\n new Array(Math.floor(Math.random()*70),window.innerWidth - Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerWidth),Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerHeight)),\n new Array(Math.floor(Math.random()*70),Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerWidth),window.innerHeight - Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerHeight)),\n new Array(Math.floor(Math.random()*70),window.innerWidth - Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerWidth),window.innerHeight - Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerHeight)),\n new Array(Math.floor(Math.random()*70),window.innerWidth - Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerWidth),Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerHeight)),\n new Array(Math.floor(Math.random()*70),Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerWidth),window.innerHeight - Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerHeight))\n );\n\n var frame = 0;\n\n animateVertex = function(){\n //Set the frame number\n if (frame < 36) frame++;\n else frame = 0;\n for (i = 0; i < vertexes.length; i++){\n //Set the sprite position\n if (vertexes[i][0] < 70){\n if (frame%1==0){\n vertexes[i][0]++;\n }\n } else {\n vertexes[i][0] = 0;\n }\n //Set the y offset\n if (vertexes[i][2] < window.innerHeight) {\n\t\t\tvertexes[i][2] += 5;\n\t\t\tvertexes[i][1] += 2;\n\t\t}\n else {\n\t\t\tvertexes[i][2] = -50;\n\t\t\tvertexes[i][1] = Math.floor(Math.random()*window.innerWidth);\n\t\t}\n //Update the CSS\n var element = $('#object'+i);\n element.css('background-position',0-(parseInt(element.css('width'))*vertexes[i][0])+'px 0');\n element.css('left',vertexes[i][1]);\n element.css('top',vertexes[i][2]);\n\t}\n\n //Set next timeout\n if (typeof(window.requestAnimationFrame)=='function') {\n window.requestAnimationFrame(animateVertex);\n } else {\n setTimeout("animateVertex();",100);\n }\n }\n \n \n #error-box { position: absolute; top: 50%; margin: -200px auto 0 auto; height: 400px; width: 100%; text-align: center; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif; background: url('/img/shading.png') repeat center top transparent; border-top: solid #1CB119 1px; border-bottom: solid #1CB119 1px; }\n #error-box h1 { color: #fff; font-size: 99px; text-shadow: #ddd 2px 2px 15px; }\n #error-box p { color: #1CB119; font-size: 24px; text-shadow: #1CB119 0 0 8px; }\n\n .mic {\n position: absolute;\n top: 10px;\n left: 10px;\n width: 38px;\n height: 138px;\n overflow: hidden;\n background: url('/img/vertex_sprites.png') no-repeat 0 0 transparent;\n }\n .alligator {\n position: absolute;\n top: 10px;\n left: 10px;\n width: 100px;\n height: 98px;\n overflow: hidden;\n background: url('/img/alligator_sprites.png') no-repeat 0 0 transparent;\n }\n .vertex {\n position: absolute;\n top: 10px;\n left: 10px;\n width: 100px;\n height: 177px;\n overflow: hidden;\n background: url('/img/vertex_sprites2.png') no-repeat 0 0 transparent;\n }\n \n\n \n \n\n\n





\n \n //Set the animated pieces up\n animateVertex();\n //Define typing text:\n new TypingText(document.getElementById("error-message"), 200, function(i){ var ar = new Array("_"); return " " + ar[i.length % ar.length]; });\n //Type out examples:\n TypingText.runAll();\n \n window.NREUM||(NREUM={});{"beacon":"","licenseKey":"4a13b0a03e","applicationID":"388812","transactionName":"MVAEYkYACEoEWhddWwgaM0RdTgNLF1YRGkQORQ==","queueTime":0,"applicationTime":0,"atts":"HRcHFA4aG0Q=","errorBeacon":"","agent":""}\n\n"

same thing with us

Not working in Chrome or Edge

Soy muy novata en el tema, ya había aprendido a manejar el personalizador y estaba encantada.
Seguro que me costará muchísimo aprender a manejar este programa ahora.
Muchas gracias por vuestro tiempo

Por favor, es un mal momento para que no funcione el personalizador. Sin él estoy atada de pies y manos.
Espero que lo solucionéis pronto.Gracias por todo

The customizer is, of course, just running OpenSCAD.
While it is down, people can get that program, download the thing they are interested in, and load the .scad file – there will be one – into OpenSCAD. There should be some values at the start of that file (it is text based) that you can change.
Then you hit the F6 button (whait a bit) and you can save the STL in the size you need.

Thank you! You taught an old dog a new trick! I was able to customize what I needed.

a nice little diversion that allowed me some relaxing moments with new software.
Hitting F6 produced quite a long period of number crunching. Oh well, this laptop is certainly not new. Much appreciated this reminder which \I acted on. Customizer is still not up as of this posting

Thanks for the hint.

Thanks for this! Helped me a lot!

Well so much for that Christmas Gift. Maybe tomorrow fingers crossed

So much for the Tuesday morning resolution....would be nice to have some updates instead of silence

Looks like it. This just makes me wounder if i buy a printer from them will the after sales service be just as bad that now one comes back to me

All the coders must have left for the holidays.

They ran away not even getting answers when you mail them direct

Any more news on when this should be done other than the one saying it should be fixed by Tuesday morning?

when will customizer be up and running again come on people this is messing with all of
please please

is customizer likely to be back today? messed with my xmas wrapping plans:(

Couldn't be a worse time of year for Customizer to be down :(

Get with the program, Thingiverse! Waiting for customizer to work for 4 days now.

OH NO... lol Timing is.. everything.. Santa's elves required a bit of the customizer, and.. it is broken..


moos3 - in reply to Copyright
20 hours ago
We are aware of customizer being down. We are working to restore this service and should have a resolution for this service by Tuesday morning. We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.

For those who need something done right now, the new experimental feature of the OpenSCAD builtin Customizer might be an option.

Find more here:

You sir, are awesome.

Note: If you do, also download this -

Then add it to your project_dir\write\ and you can customise away :)


same here down right when I need to do something.. GREATTT

Yes, does appear to be down...

Customiser does not work.
What is going on ?

Actually the problem appears to be the iframe on the customizer page is calling* and that is returning HTTP CODE 503 (Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity)

I get a 'token expired' message when I try to enable my thing for this app.

The one time I've came to use a customizer in months and it is down =/

Same , now I dont feel so bad

my customiser is blank again today! anyone help?

Yup, same here.

Same here... blank screen, no error message.
Tried different browsers too... Chrome, Firefox, Safari... no connection to Customizer.
Was working yesterday

I keep getting "Customizer is currently unavailable. Please try again later." for any project I try Customizer on. Is it down for everyone or just me?

I'm having the same issue. Does anyone knows what's happening?

Customizer appears to be down for me when I try to use it on the Unlimbited Arm v2.1.

Message text is:

Customizer is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

The UnLimbited Arm v2.1 - Alfie Edition

Are you still getting that error? I've tried it several times this morning and seems to be ok.

Mon, 09 Oct

Hi tbuser,

I am still unable to bring Customizer up. The same message as above; "Sorry! Customizer is currently unavailable. Please try again later"

I cleared my cache and re-started my PC just in case and the same error exists.

Do you happen to have 3rd party cookies disabled in your browser or any plugins that might cause them to be blocked? Look here for more info to make sure they're allowed which is required for Customizer:

Mon, 09 Oct
Hi tbuser,

Thank you very much - all working now. My cookies had been turned off by anti virus.

Sat, 7 Oct - The Customizer is off line. It displays a message; "Sorry ! - Customizer is currently unavailable. Please try again later."

The customizer does not work ..
It's off line!

Are you getting an error message?

The message is:
Customizer is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

Ciao e grazie! -:)

Which thing is it and what browser/version are you using?

Is the customiser back online yet? It's not loading for me.

It should be working. Are all customizers not working for you or a specific one? Are you getting an error message?

Customizer should be back to mostly normal now, sorry it took so long to figure out. It was an obscure confusing issue. :(

Customizer not working!
Error: We're sorry, but something went wrong.

I'm still having issues with Customizer. My already published things will execute fine, but I cannot successfully upload new content and have it run in Customizer. Even when I try uploading things that already work I have issues. I still cannot get your example to work either. I've tried IE, Chrome and Firefox and I have the same issue with all three.

Is anyone else still having issues?

tbuser, what is your opinion? Are there still issues, or do you think that it's all on my end? Does Customizer download scripts or cookies that might need to be cleared from the browser?

I really want to upload my next content, but I can't get it to run.

I'm getting..

 We're sorry, but something went wrong.

when I run my new uploads in customizer. Customizer will run already uploaded custom .scad files just fine. To make sure my .scad files weren't the issue I re-uploaded one of my working customizer files. The old version ran under the customizer and the new version gave me the "We're sorry, but something went wrong" message. Finally, I uploaded the Customizer sample program and it too gave the "We're sorry, but something went wrong" message.

You can try it yourself...

Thank you for your efforts. We understand and greatly appreciate having this back.

I just called Makerbot support. They are aware of the problem and are actively working on it. It is affecting other systems,
not just customize. They could not give me a time frame, they just said that at some point we would notice it was working again.

Is there any official word about this?

I am trying to use this in my class and it's messing up our plans.

kinda sucks... its down now for a few days

still not back online i see.. hope they get it back on soon, any moderator that can give us a headsup? thank you

Same problem, I clicked on Message Developer (makerbot). Don't know how else to notify them.

I'm having the same problem since yesterday on Chrome

"There was a problem communicating with Thingiverse.
It is also possible that you are using Safari, if so click the Safari Fix button then reload this page."

"There was a problem communicating with Thingiverse.
It is also possible that you are using Safari, if so click the Safari Fix button then reload this page."

Same here. I'm getting the error across multiple computer/ multiple browsers.

Same here. (Would a bump fix the problem faster? :p)

Still getting the "Failed to authenticate application" error when trying to use the customizer.
Any ETA on when it will be fixed? :)

Sorry we're working on it. :(

same here.. looks like they have a problem.. iam trying it now for a few hours.. can get on.. did try firefox, IE, chrome. nothing works

customizer not working either on mozilla firefox, IE or Edge...
"Oh No!
There was a problem communicating...."

I'm getting that too. I've tried a few PCs and different browsers Sill the error

Is something broken with the customizer?

I am having massive problems with the simplest things right now. The preview of my openscad is rendering properly, but not working at all in the customizer, also see here => This is part of a bigger project, it seems that there is a problem with the parameters of the cubes. When I set absolute values it is working, when setting calculated values it is not working, am I missing anything?

Customizer bug?

Never mind, the problem was, I used 0.20 instead of 0.2 as default value. FML - just spend a couple of hours on this...
Still, in my opinion this is a bug...

I hit this problem too. Definitely a bug.

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Hi :). I'm trying to customize a file and keep getting "error" in the queue, when I click "see details" a window with an empty text box pops up. I was able to customize the same model just an hour ago that won't work now:

I tried firefox and chrome; thanks in advance for any help!

Parameters I'm using:
Drain Diam. 42
Drain Depth. 22
Brim Width. 2
Brim Height. 1
Hole Width. 2
Hole Height. 20
Hole Spacing. 2
Filter Thickness 2

Drain Filter (Customizable)
by Revar

16 hours later, I'm still getting the same behavior when trying to customize this model :(. If I change to these settings I used successful earlier, I can customize the model again with no error:

Drain Diam. 42
Drain Depth. 25
Brim Width. 1
Brim Height. 1
Hole Width. 2
Hole Height. 20
Hole Spacing. 2
Filter. 2

However, I need it with these parameters, and it still gives me a nondescript error trying to use them to customize it:

Drain Diam. 42
Drain Depth. 22
Brim Width. 2
Brim Height. 1
Hole Width. 2
Hole Height. 20
Hole Spacing. 2
Filter Thickness. 2

So, only two parameters are changed - drain depth and brim width - making the model break the customizer. Anyone have any clue why? Thanks again for any replies.

Edit: Changing Hole height to 19 instead of 20 has fixed the model and allowed customizer to produce a working result. I think hole height shouldn't have been allowed to within 2mm of drain depth for it to be successful.

I wish customizer would have been able to elaborate on this error for me instead of just saying 'error' with no explanation :P.

You might want to try contacting the designer of that thing. I just tried those params in openscad and it fails saying "WARNING: Object may not be a valid 2-manifold and may need repair!" Granted Customizer could use better error handling so that it says that in the output. :)

Thanks for the info. I wasn't sure if there was another program I could use to do that - now I know where to go for a more detailed error message :P.

Thingiverse is also broken for me in Chrome at the moment. Seems to work in Internet Explorer. Getting the same error message as everyone else on every customizable print:

Oh No!
There was a problem communicating with Thingiverse.
It is also possible that you are using Safari, if so click the Safari Fix button then reload this page.

Customizer isn't working for me in either chrome or explorer. I get this message in chrome.

"Oh No!
There was a problem communicating with Thingiverse.
It is also possible that you are using Safari, if so click the Safari Fix button then reload this page"

Problem seems to have come up again!
Blank page.

Thanks a lot, dude. Life saver

Sorry everyone! Customizer should be working now!

Thank you tbuser!!!!

Busted for me as well on Chrome since last night. "Failed to authenticate application: 404"

Tried Chrome, Firefox, Edge & Opera. No luck.

Not working for me either on Chrome

Still not working...
I have to go and disappoint some people, because they don´t get their customized prints :( :( :(

Not working in any browser for me - Safari, Chrome and Firefox either. . Whole day so far. Anyone got any feedback ?

Not working in any browser for me - Safari, Chrome and Firefox....

...was going to use this today for a kids birthday workshop... not going to happen it seems. whatever broke this thing, please undo / fix asap!

edit: what happens ? - the customizer page opens, upper page part is there, lower part where customizer should actually open is blank. same in firefox, safari and chrome. 3rd party cookie trouble also allowed... any hint what to try? best guess, nothing users can do, some backend problem. (worked 2 days ago with exactly this config...!)

This is not working for like 8-10 hours already, people need this, please fix

Customiser doesn't work since morning.

Please check and fix it at the earliest.

I am not able to use Customizer in Chrome or Firefox. It gives me the following error: "Failed to authenticate application: 404"

Anyone else have this same issue?

Same issue here, the initial page uses https protocol, but tries to load some ressources over http, which causes chrome to block the second request. Once allowed, an error is displayed on the screen :/ tried Chrome, Firefox and IE on Windows, Chrome and Firefox on Linux and Chrome on Android. Happens on all customizer apps.

Yes, I am having the same issue. I was getting just a blank screen, but then permitted my browser to open content flagged as unsafe. I am now getting that error.

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Is there a timeframe on when the app will be updated to work with rotate_extrude(angle) commands that are not 360 degree?

I'd really like to know the answer to this too.

keeps "timing out" i try to do everything fast but still gives me the timed out error???

Thingiverse customizer does not work It is showing me

Application Authentication Failed: JSON text must contain at least two bytes!

What do I do to level Problem

It's a SHAME this was not fixed for the Chrome for so long.

Ok ... That's something that Thingiverse and Makerbot should have made clear.

Recent browsers do deactivate by default 3rd party cookies (and there's some good reason for).
That's the reason for the safari error message. To solve the problem all you have to do is add a 3rd party cookie exception for "".

Probably too complicated for Thingiverse and makerbot to discuss about this issue.

Ooow!!! Thanks! This is megahack!!! )))

The [Global] section is still broken. It's over 10 months since it was broken. I'd suggest changing the documentation to remove that bit since it doesn't seem to be getting fixed.

This apps not working. How to fix it?

Worked at first but now its just constantly "Timeout::Error: execution expired", maybe I will try later.

Is there a way for this to modify an existing STL? If I call load(file.stl...) from the scad file, it's not seeing the .stl file. I would imagine that this would be one of the primary uses for this... (note, this works fine if installed on my local machine, and the stl is in the same directory as the .scad).


My brother said he got it working but I'm having trouble.

I'm getting an error in my Opera and Chrome Browser!

Oh No!
There was a problem communicating with Thingiverse.
It is also possible that you are using Safari, if so click the Safari Fix button then reload this page.

Please what's the solution?

Same problem here. Exactly the same error message with chrome and Firefox, both on Windows 10 and KUbuntu 16.10.
Getting the same off topic safari message.
And no reply.
I'm worried when I see the problem seven monthes after your message.

I want to use this app to slightly modify a design on Thingiverse. This app won't come up as an option. I tried to download the app from the net so I can modify it then upload but can't find a link to Makerbot Customizer. There is only one customizing app on many of the files and it's no use. I hate it. I want to use this app. I gather the original thing maker didn't enable this app on his design listing. Help please.

That's not how it works. Designs have to be made with OpenSCAD and be made parametric. In that case the Customizer button should be on the page of that specific design, in the right column next to the picture.

I don't know how to create anything

Suggestion, I was trying to make a card box, it made but was a single STL with both top and bottom and since I'm a newb I have no skill to split them apart. (they are too big for my printer bed)
If you can add a step / setting for printer dimensions and automatically offer to make the two objects as two STL, that would work.

Appears to be disabled as it no longer appears as an option to customize ANYTHING.

I am getting an error

Oh No!
There was a problem communicating with Thingiverse.
It is also possible that you are using Safari, if so click the Safari Fix button then reload this page.

Linux, Ubuntu with mate 16.4, Chrome.

Are you getting this error on all customizable things or a specific thing? If so, what thing?

It was on all customizable things. I tried it today and it doesn't do anything, just a blank area. No error, but it empty under "BACK TO CUSTOMIZABLE", "Now Using: Customize"

I have a new install of Linux, I did not install any drivers for the graphics card as of yet. I don't think webGL is working and isn't using any of the features of the graphics card. I don't know if that relates to the problem or not but I want to mention it.)

I had issues getting the app open in any browser except for Safari. Additionally the processing time I'm curious about average output time? My design has taken 22 minutes to process thus far...

It works now :-) thank you to the fixer.

Sorry took so long, is everyone able to use Customizer correctly now?

For me, It has been working correctly in the last 4 days.. Thanks :-)

I tried this with the "Customizable USB stick and SD card holder" but clicking "Create" only gives me "Error".
No more information on what's wrong.

Safari/Chrome on Mac, no difference.

I am having trouble customizing things. I have tried using Google Chrome and IE with cookies enabled, and also not blocking 3rd party cookies. I can use the customizer, but I get a pop-up error message after I try to "create" it.

Edit: I think I will also message the developer about this issue.

Thanks elatias, I was searching for it :D

Edit : damn it still doesn't work even thought I've found that "create" button

I don't think they read these post... I sent message to developer..

When I create the error message!

An embedded page at says: error. Getting this message?? however works from another Thingiverse account?

The Customizer does not work for me. tried different "things". tried with Google Chrome, and with windows Edge.. all works up to "create thing" window pop-up. Then when i press the "create thing" button I get a pop window that says "Error!"

I found I could see it, un-maximizing window, then I could scroll down.

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I am having same problem! I now got go through app, looks same, but no create.

I can't seem to download anything I customize, because there is no "Create Thing" button at the bottom of the screen. Can anyone help?

Maybe your screen resolution not enough.
in 1280x1024, the bottom part doesn't appear.


I can't even scroll down to see where the button is supposed to be. I changed the resolution, but that didn't help.