
Challenge Closed

Deadline: Jul 17, 2013 12:59 AM EDT

Total Entries: 847

Birdhouse Challenge

Birds need houses, and you, the 3D printing community, can be the ones to help. Enter the Thingiverse Birdhouse Challenge by designing a creative and functional birdhouse to shelter the newly-hatched!


First Place Prize

One Eggbot, the open-source art robot that lets you draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects. The winner will also receive a spool of True Black MakerBot PLA filament. The winning design will be featured on Thingiverse and the MakerBot Blog, as well as printed out and displayed in the MakerBot store at 298 Mulberry St. in NYC.

Second Place Prize

A spool of True Blue MakerBot PLA filament.

Third Place Prize

A spool of True Red MakerBot PLA filament.

How to Enter

TIME OF CHALLENGE: Thirty days. Monday, June 17 through Tuesday, July 16 at 11:59 PM ET. We will announce the winning entry on the MakerBot Blog on Friday, July 19!

HOW: You upload a design for your unique birdhouse and the printing instructions to Thingiverse. Tag each of your entries with "Birdhouse." Once you’ve uploaded, encourage others to like and make your design.

JUDGING: Our panel of judges will subjectively pick a winning design based on functionality, printability and creativity. Enter as many designs as you want! A first place, second place, and third place winner will be selected. Get started with Thingiverse today. The race is officially on!