; The comment after the semicolon, please modify the corresponding parameters according to the note description ; The basic format is Mxxx Ixxx, Mxxx Txxx or Mxxx Sxxx, where Ixx (the letter I, the first letter of the integer, not the number 1) is followed by an integer, which can be either decimal or hexadecimal (starting with 0x ), Sxx followed by a floating-point number M8000 I0 ;; power save support or not, I1 that support, I0 that does not support, set to restart after the entry into force M8001 I0; print shutdown support or not, I1 that support, I0 that does not support, set to restart after the entry into force ; The following is the stepper motor direction control, I1 and I-1 in the opposite direction, so if the motor is wrong, either change the wiring, or change the direction of the parameters M8002 I-1;; X stepper motor direction, I1 or I-1 M8003 I1; Y Stepping motor direction M8004 I-1; Z Stepping motor direction M8005 I1; E Stepping motor direction M8005 I1 E2; Set second E stepper motor direction, I1 or I-1, ignore this configuration if there is no multi-tip M8005 I1 E3; set the direction of the third E stepper motor, I1 or I-1, if there is no multi-jet, please ignore this configuration, three jet currently supports only three in and one out ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; XYZ axis extrusion head / platform mobile configuration, will only affect the manual interface button the actual direction of movement ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; M8005 X0; 0: X-axis extrusion head movement 1: X-axis platform movement Currently on the market machines, most of them are X-axis extrusion head movement M8005 Y0; 0: Y-axis extrusion head movement 1: Y-axis platform movement The current I3 structure Y-axis is the platform movement, delta, ultimaker and makerbot the Y-axis is the extrusion head movement M8005 Z1; 0: Z axis direction extrusion head movement 1: Z axis direction platform movement current I3 structure and delta structure Z axis is extrusion head movement, ultimaker and makerbot structure Z axis is platform movement ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ; Speed-related settings, speed in mm / s and acceleration in mm / s ^ 2 M8006 I80; maximum starting speed, when the speed of movement has been above this speed, it will start at this speed, this speed is mainly to prevent out of step, this value is too small, will result in round when the corner bulge M8007 I25; The maximum value of rail speed (corresponding to jerk speed in open source firmware), which will force the motion to decelerate if the actual rail speed of the motion is greater than this value. In playing filling, there will be a large number of reciprocating motion, this value, noise, easy to lose steps. This value is small, slow, high-speed printing, print quality will be relatively poor M8008 I1000; Acceleration, the greater the value, the greater the average speed of the actual operation, but the noise is also large, the value is small, the actual speed will be smaller ; Machine-related parameters, the parameters set End, please print a cube, and then measure the size with a ruler to confirm the parameters no problem M8009 S0.0127; XY Each step of the mm value, such as 20 teeth, pitch 2.032mm, 1.8 degrees stepper motor, 16 subdivision, (20 * 2.032) / ((360 / 1.8) * 16) ; M8009 X0.0127 Y0.0127; If you need to set X, Y stepper motor parameters independently, you can use this command (remove this line; you can) M8010 S0.0009375; Z Each step of the mm value, the formula: lead / ((360/1.8) * 16), the lead for the screw to turn the platform height of the rise M8011 S0.00225; E mm value for each step, this value is equal to the perimeter of the extrusion gear divided by 3200, if there is a reduction gear also need to be divided by the reduction gear ratio, if you find the setting out of the wire is relatively thin, or frequent faults, It is recommended that this value is set smaller than the real value, out of the wire better ; The maximum speed of various parameters, in order to ensure the stability of the machine, according to the measured results set M8012 I200; XY maximum speed of movement mm / s M8013 I30; Z The maximum speed of movement mm / s M8014 I120; extruder maximum speed mm / s ; Z Zero Speed, Makerware Slice Software Slice, will ignore this zeroing speed because of its specified zeroing speed in gcode M8015 I8; Z zero return to zero speed, faster M8015 S30; XY first zero return speed, faster M8016 I4; Z zero return to zero speed, slow speed M8016 S5; XY return to zero when the second zero speed, slower Pre-extrusion before printing M8017 I10; pre-extruded length mm, the first layer and the bottom is a direct impact on the print quality, a little more pre-extrusion will make the bottom glue better M8018 I20; extruder maximum pre-extrusion speed mm / s, non-decelerating gear feeding, the maximum speed is usually above 100, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ; The following two parameters and Replicator / Makerware software is closely related to compatibility, if you do not intend to be compatible with this type of software, you can not M8019 I50; The maximum supported withdrawal speed, the unit is mm / s. When it is 0, it means same as the maximum speed of E. The default Makerware double-headed slice is very slow, and the withdrawal time is very long M8020 S1.5; The length of the withdrawal wire, mm, withdrawal distance, the pump back is too small will drain wire, pumping back too large, pause time is too long, but also easy to drain wire, depending on your feeding type and extrusion head type is reasonable Set, if 0, the length of the withdrawal line to comply with the slicing software M8033 S8; makerware Software Switches the length of the cut-out when extruding the head, the makerware cut specifies a very long cut-back, and the cut-back is easy to snap, and if it is zero, it follows the slice software setting ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ; Set the default consumable diameter used by the machine in mm M8021 S1.75; consumables diameter Extruded head maximum temperature M8022 I245; Extruder support the highest temperature, set the temperature In order to prevent the user misuse extrusion head temperature caused by damage to the extrusion head, the thermal resistance of only 260 degrees, peek tube also began to soften at about 260 degrees ; [Supplies interface, the lowest temperature of the silk] M8022 T170; supplies interface, the lowest temperature required for extrusion supplies Hot bed maximum temperature M8023 I120; hot plate maximum temperature, high temperature easily damaged hot plate ; Prohibition of temperature error detection, the default temperature error detection temperature sensor is not plugged in or heating power is too small pop-up warning, it is strongly recommended not to prohibit this feature M8023 T0; 0: Enable temperature detection 1: Disable extrusion head and hot bed temperature error detection 2: Disable hot bed temperature error detection only ; X, Y, Z maximum stroke, please set according to the actual print size, the unit is mm Please be careful to set this parameter! ! ! ! ! ! , If the setting is too small, it will not be able to print beyond the set stroke when printing. If the setting is too large, the limit will not be exceeded if the slice movement command is beyond the actual machine stroke, which will force the motor to forcibly Collider M8024 I200; X maximum stroke, lcd enable sound case, the movement beyond the stroke will cause the buzzer tweets M8025 I200; Y maximum stroke M8026 I200; Z maximum stroke ; [Set the number of extrusion head] at least 1, at present up to 3, 3 nozzle case only supports three in and one out M8027 I1; configure the number of extrusion head ; 【Whether more into a nozzle】, more into a nozzle share a temperature sensor, share a heating rod M8027 S0; 0: not more than one out 1: more into a ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; More Y or more Z special function ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ; M8027 Z1; If you enable this feature, please remove the front ';', to prohibit the use of ';' Comments can be, 0: double Z double limit mode, the second limit connected Z + 1: Double Z single limit mode, only need to connect a limit switch 3: Three Z mode, the third Z axis then ext expansion port ; The second extrusion head E2 as Y to use ; M8027 Y0; If you enable this function, please remove the front ';', to prohibit the function, use ';' to comment out ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ; The second extrusion head E2 is used as the first extrusion head E1 ; M8027 E0; If you enable this function, please remove the front ';' to prohibit the use of ';' Comments can be ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; Some machines may wish to prohibit hot beds, possibly by prohibiting hot beds M8027 T1; 1: Enable hot bed, 0: Disable hot bed ;advanced settings M8028 S0.00; Back off compensation, the machine, back extrusion after extrusion, because of the elastic effect, in fact, will be a little bit back than the original position, if you do not know directly to zero ; 【XY axis limit switch position type】 ; 0: reprap model, usually using repetier-host and cura, limit switch position at x, y zero, ; Limit installed in X-, Y-. Limit, the extrusion head in front of the platform ; 1: makerbot Similar models, usually using the replicatorG / makerware / makerbot desktop slicing software, ; Limit position at the maximum value of x, y, limit access X +, Y +, limit, the extrusion head in the right rear of the platform ; 2: ultimaker models, both with limit switch, a total of six limit ; 3: Limit, the extrusion head in the left rear of the platform (very few, limit access X-, Y +) ; 4: Limit, the extrusion head in the right front of the platform (very few, limit access X +, Y-) M8029 I0; 0: unilateral zero limit (left front), such as mendel, i3 ... ; 1: unilateral maximum point limit (right rear), such as makerbot models ; 2: bilateral limit, such as ultimaker model, mini board only XYZ three limit, do not configure to use this option ; 3: Left rear limit (very little) 4: Right front limit (very few) ; [XYZ limit switch wiring type] If this configuration is wrong, when the motor is operated in the manual interface, the motor can not move in one direction and the buzzer ; Will make a drip of sound. ; Simple judgment method, if the configuration is normal, from the no limit to limit, the buzzer will make a drip sound, ; And from the limit becomes not limit, the buzzer will not sound. If you find the opposite phenomenon, this configuration can be modified M8029 T0; 0: Normally open limit switch (not limit - and s voltage is high, limit is low) ; 1: Normally closed limit switch (no limit - and s voltage is low, the limit is high) ; ; [Z axis limit switch position] M8029 S0; 0: the extrusion head from the platform when the latest limit, the limit then Z- ; 1: extrusion head when the furthest from the platform limit, limit access Z + ; ; 【XYZ axis return after homing (0,0,0), only XYZ or hbot models】 M8029 C0; 0: back to XYZ (0,0,0) position, the extrusion head back to the front left platform position ; 1: stay in the limit position ; 【Broken material detection enabled】 Broken material detection enabled, broken material limit is connected to the corresponding nozzle limit interface, that is, E1 and E2 interfaces M8029 D0; 0: Do not cut off the detection ; 1: Enable break detection ; ; Break detection E1 and E2 interface limit type configuration M8029 E1; 1: same as the XYZ limit type -1: opposite to the XYZ limit type ; ; [Nozzle fan control] This fan cooling model, it is recommended to set the fan start off specified by the slicing software M8030 I0;> 0: If you need to force the extruder to automatically turn on the fan if it is above a certain temperature, set a temperature greater than zero. ; 0: If set to 0, the beginning of the fan is controlled by the slicing software ; [Throat fan control] This fan nozzle throat heat, set the temperature from the start must be placed on the M8030 I0 command, ; M8030 I50 T-1; I behind the parameters that temperature, when 0 is, that the motherboard fan does not change with temperature, ; Otherwise when the extrusion head temperature reaches the specified temperature, the fan will turn on ; Set the offset of the second extrusion head (extrusion head on the right) unit is mm, if it is a single head, the following two parameters are invalid, cura double head offset is set to 0 M8031 S35.0; Shift in the X direction (left and right) M8032 S0; Offset in Y direction (front and rear) ; ; SD card support the display of the folder M8034 I1; 0: Not supported 1: Supported ; [Leveling test point] can take up to 5 points, X, Y for the floating-point number, if X, Y are less than 1, it means that the proportion of relative travel, ; Otherwise expressed as X, Y absolute coordinates, in units of mm ; If the travel is (200,200), M8036 X0.1 Y0.1 and M8036 X20 Y20 is the same effect, ; If the absolute value of less than 1, said to be compared, otherwise it is absolute coordinates M8035 I4; leveling point number, M8036 X0.2 Y0.2; In XYZ manual leveling and delta leveling test, how many points are there in the test, and if there is automatic leveling in the delta, the first point is the position of the sensor from the center of the nozzle Distance (right rear is positive), the other parameters are invalid M8036 X0.8 Y0.2 M8036 X0.8 Y0.8 M8036 X0.2 Y0.8 ; 【Machine Type】 M8080 I0; 0: XYZ common type, ; 2: Hbot / CoreXY type ; 3: SCARA (closed beta, limit access X-, Y-) ; 4: excavator structure (closed beta) Thermal resistance type Temperature sensor type ; For the thermal resistance, the same parameters of the thermal resistance is actually slightly different, different thermal resistance at a relatively low temperature, ; At high temperature, the display temperature difference of up to 40 degrees, if it is thermal resistance, be sure to set the correct type of thermal resistance, M8081 I2; 0: Ideal NTC 100K 1% 3950 B, 1: K type thermocouple, ; 2: EPCOS NTC 100K 1% 3950 B, corresponding to marlin's sensor type 1, the vast majority of the market are this ; [Enable auto leveling] 0: Disable auto leveling (XYZ structure will automatically become semi-automatic leveling, youku search "Red Rabbit motherboard - leveling point configuration") 1: Allow automatic leveling enable ; M8083 I0; XYZ structure of automatic leveling, leveling switch directly connected to the Z-, remove the original limit switch, at the same time with the M8084 Z * instruction ; ; [When leveling, the angle at which the steering gear is stowed, and the angle at which it is lowered] is valid only when auto leveling is enabled M8083 D0 P0; D followed by the steering gear to put away the angle, P followed by the steering gear to put down the angle, if the two angles are the same, is regarded as not required steering gear support, ; Specific steering angle can be determined by the specific steering gear, 180 steering angle servo, we measured the range between -85-105 degrees ; 【Z leveling limit difference, advanced parameters, do not move】 ;; Z leveling leveling height difference on XYZ machine with auto-leveling = Z position leveling leveling - Z zero position, in most cases, you only need to set to 0 ;, 0: Offset is forbidden. The stroke of Z is determined by "Set Z to zero". The printed gcode is not recommended for adding auto-leveling instructions. It is recommended to use this mode ; Non-zero: The current position of Z is automatically determined when the leveling limit is triggered. In the case of DELTA structure, the G29 auto-leveling command must be connected after G28 is reset to zero before printing the command. If the photo-leveling limit, usually positive, if the limit, the extrusion of the motherboard posted, then negative M8084 Z0 ; 【Start LOGO time】 M8085 I3000; boot logo duration, minimum 100ms, maximum 6000ms Screen saver time M8085 T0; how long standby time will enter the screensaver interface, the unit is second (s), when 0 means banned screensaver ; Standby shutdown function, to be completed with shutdown shutdown function module M8085 P0; how long standby time will shut down the machine, this function is only installed after the shutdown function module settings to use these settings, ; Unit is second (s), 0 means disable standby shutdown function ; 【Software frequency, this value do not move】 M8086 I1; software frequency, some users are using 0.9 step motor or external 32 subdivision drive, ; Hope to achieve the effect of 1.8 step angle or 16 subdivision, the frequency can be set to 2, the default is 1, no frequency ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Motor parameter settings, S behind the parameters represent the drive current, drive current Recommended at 200 to 1500mA (up to 2000mA), more than 1000mA please add the cooling fan. P, D, C, R, F, T and other letters after the motor details of the parameters, you do not have to modify ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; M8091 I0 S800 P0 D0 C5 R6 F3 T0; ------ X Motor Current Configuration S is the drive current followed by mA in mA ------- M8091 I1 S800 P0 D0 C10 R3 F1 T0; ------ Y Motor current configuration is followed by the drive current S, in mA mA ------- M8091 I2 S800 P4 D1 C10 R3 F1 T0; ------ Z Motor Current Configuration S is the drive current followed by milliamp mA ------- M8091 I3 S800 P0 D0 C5 R6 F3 T0; ------ E The motor current is configured to drive the current S in milliamps mA ------- M8091 I4 S800 P0 D0 C5 R6 F3 T0; ------ E2 Motor Current Configuration S is the drive current followed by milliamp mA ------- M8091 I5 S800 P0 D0 C5 R6 F3 T0; ------ EXT Motor Current Configuration S is the drive current followed by milliamp mA ------- M8091 I6 S800 P0 D0 C5 R6 F3 T0; ------ Z2 Motor current configuration S is the drive current in milliamps mA ------- ; Motherboard motherboard pwm ratio since the start M8489 I256; motherboard fan pwm ratio since the start, the maximum is 256, some motherboard fan wind stronger, the noise is relatively large, ; This parameter can be used to change the fan wind and noise ; ; [Interface speed of consumables] M8489 T8; In the consumable interface, the consumable feeding speed is in mm / s, ; Into the silk too fast, unable to send wire in time, resulting in crowded extruder out of sync ; ; [Action after printing] M8489 P0; action after printing 0: Turn off all motors and heat up ; 1: do not move after printing, completely follow the gcode instruction ; 2: After printing, return to zero, the motor is not powered off ; 3: After the printing is completed, the maximum stroke of Z is reached, and the motor is not powered off ; 4: Wait for the temperature of the printhead 1 to drop to 50 degrees after printing to remind the printing is completed ; [Temperature PID parameter setting] If you are not an expert, and your current temperature control is stable, you do not need to move this parameter ; M301 P22.2 I1.08 D114; Before configuration, please remove the semicolon in front ; ; M8520 I0; 1: Support laser engraving related configuration ; 0: does not support the laser engraving related configuration, the related function is set in the more button speed ; ; 【【】 【】 【【】 【】 【】 【】 【】】】 【】】 This parameter must not be less, otherwise the parameters can not be saved to the device M8500; save the configuration ;